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The Department of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, at Christian Medical College, Vellore is of India’s most reputed centers for the treatment of diabetes and other hormonal disorders related to metabolism in India and Asia. The Endocrine services in Christian Medical College, Vellore started as an Endocrine Clinic under the Department of Medicine, in 1985. After a decade of successful growth, an independent Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism was commenced in the year 1995. This Department caters to the medical needs of nearly 80,000 patients year after year. The out-patient clinics in Endocrinology and Metabolism, attends to nearly 500 patients on Monday and Thursdays. In addition, an exclusive clinic for patients with diabetes caters to the needs to nearly 200 patients on Wednesday and Saturday, throughout the year.
At the academic front, the first ever super-specialty training course in Endocrinology- DM Endocrinology, in South India, was introduced by the Department in the year 2001, which is recognized by The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai. The number of vacancies for the DM course in Endocrinology at CMC, Vellore was increased from 2 to 4 seats in the year 2016. Other academic programs conducted at this department include a full-time fellowship program in Diabetes for doctors, Distance Fellowship in Diabetes (DFID) and Short courses for Doctors in Diabetes, Diabetes counselors and a training program for doctors and nurses who wish to hone their skills in-foot care for patients with diabetes. In addition to this, a speciality course as diabetes educator programme was first envisaged and is being conducted in this department to offer comprehensive training in diabetes counselling and management to nurses. The department imparts training to staff of several other mission hospitals on creating awareness and prevention of diabetes at the community.